About the Climate Change Fund
NSW communities, businesses and the natural environment are facing unprecedented threats from a rapidly changing climate.
The Climate Change Fund (CCF) is critical to achieving the government’s 2050 net zero emissions target. Programs supported by the fund tackle the root causes of climate change, while helping communities, businesses and the environment adapt to it. The Fund was set up in 2007 under Part 6A of the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987.
Through the CCF, the NSW Government is using its position to influence fundamental and lasting change. We are supporting the technologies and innovations that will deliver cleaner, more reliable and affordable energy while protecting our environment, natural heritage and some of our most important biodiversity.
Paving the way for a sustainable, resilient future
CCF programs work alongside community, industry, business and local government partners to develop and deliver programs that:
- reduce greenhouse emissions
- reduce the impacts of climate change
- build communities that are more resilient to heat waves, bushfires and floods
- help NSW customers be more energy efficient, saving them money on their bills
- help secure a reliable, low carbon energy future.
The Climate Change Fund includes programs run by various agencies and includes some of the net zero, climate change adaptation, energy and environmental and biodiversity programs.
See what Climate Change Fund programs have achieved this year in our highlights summary or read the full NSW Climate Change Fund Annual Report.
Supporting households and communities
Through the CCF, we’re helping NSW households access:
- clean affordable energy
- charging infrastructure for their electric vehicles
- support to adapt to climate change and recover from extreme events.
Supporting business and industry
Through CCF we're:
- supporting businesses to make renewable and low-emissions technology more readily available
- unlocking private investment in innovative energy saving technology
- creating opportunities to grow new industries and create jobs in sectors such as professional services, agriculture, advanced energy technology, property management and financial services.
Supporting local and NSW government agencies
Through the CCF we’re:
- providing grants and support for community and government energy projects
- building capacity and resource in local government
- cooling our communities through tree planting.
Program evaluation
Programs funded through the Climate Change Fund are reviewed to ensure they align with requirements and provide appropriate, efficient and effective outcomes.
These evaluations are conducted in line with NSW Government principles, norms and standards.