A NSW Government website

Frequently asked questions

Community Housing Energy Performance (CHEP) grants

About the funding opportunity

What are CHEP grants?

Community Housing Energy Performance (CHEP) grants provide funding for Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to install energy performance upgrades in social housing properties that they own and/or manage.

The CHEP grants are being offered as part of the Social Housing Energy Performance Initiative (SHEPI).

What will the grants deliver?

The grants will upgrade approximately 3,500 social housing properties owned and/or managed by CHPs by 31 December 2026.

How much grant funding is available?

We are providing approximately $18.3 million to CHPs to install energy performance upgrades in social housing properties that they own and/or manage.  

Additional incentive payments, totalling up to $1 million, will also be available for successful CHPs to encourage timely delivery of the energy performance upgrades.

When do upgrades need to be completed by?

Energy performance upgrades funded by CHEP grants need to be completed by 31 December 2026.


What upgrades does the grant cover?

Grant funding must be used to install one or more of the following eligible upgrades:

  • solar PV systems
  • solar sharing technology
  • reverse-cycle air conditioners
  • heat pump hot water systems  
  • LED lighting
  • ceiling fans
  • window shading
  • ceiling insulation  
  • draught proofing.
Which upgrades are not eligible for the grant?

The following upgrades are not eligible to receive grant funding:

  • batteries
  • upgrades considered as general maintenance activities
  • roof replacements or other upgrades to the properties receiving energy upgrades
  • upgrades to communal spaces, except for the installation of solar sharing technology where benefits are distributed to tenants.
Who can apply?

Any CHP in NSW that is registered, approved and compliant under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing and registered in a tier 1, tier 2 or tier 3 category, can apply for this grant.

Can social housing tenants apply for a grant to upgrade the property they live in?

No. Social housing tenants cannot apply for a CHEP grant. Only eligible CHPs can apply for the grant.

Are ‘affordable housing’ properties eligible for the grant?

No. Properties defined as affordable housing are not eligible for upgrades funded by CHEP grants.

Are projects located outside of NSW eligible?

No. Projects must be located and delivered within NSW to be eligible for this funding.

If I am successful in receiving grant funding, do I need to engage sub-contractors, suppliers and/or installers from NSW?

No. We understand that availability of suitable contractors may vary across the state. It is acceptable to engage contractors for the delivery of the program from outside of NSW.

What is the minimum mandatory co-contribution requirement?

CHPs seeking funding must contribute minimum financial co-contributions, as a percentage of the project’s eligible costs, according to their relevant registered tiers.  

Contributions above the minimum will be ranked favourably through the assessment process. Section 2 of the grant guidelines  provides more detail about the co-contribution requirements.

Is solar sharing technology eligible for the grants?

Solar sharing technology is now an eligible activity under the grants. 

Applicants wishing to install solar sharing technology must ensure that all benefits from the installation will be distributed directly to participating tenants. 

As part of their applications, applicants should outline the expected benefits from the technology and how these benefits will be equitably distributed to tenants.

Applying for a grant

What is the application process?

This application is a single stage, targeted, competitive process. CHPs who are successful following the assessment process will need to enter into a funding agreement with us. Section 3 of the guidelines provides more detail about the application process.

Do I need to read the grant guidelines before I start our application?

Yes. While the grant application includes some tips and guidance for applying, the grant guidelines provide detailed information including the terms and conditions for grant eligibility, merit criterion and an outline of the full application process.

Reading the grant guidelines prior to starting your online application will assist you in preparing the most comprehensive application you can.

What is the application period?

Applications opened on 23 September 2024, 9:00 am AEST. The application close date has been extended to 18 November 2024, 5:00 pm AEDT. Applications can be submitted any time until the closing date.

How do I submit my application?

All applications must be submitted via SmartyGrants, a secure online grant management tool.

Is there any limit on the number of applications that can be submitted?

Yes, each CHP can submit one application only.

Do I have to complete the full grant application in one go?

No. When you initially create your application, you will receive an email that includes a link to the application platform and instructions for accessing your application for editing.

It is recommended that you save your progress before commencing the next section of the application form.

You can access and edit your application as many times as you need to until you submit.

Can I amend my application once I have submitted it?

No, you cannot amend your application after submission.

How do I know if my application has been received?

You will be notified by email via SmartyGrants that your application has been received. If you do not receive this notification or have any other queries regarding your application, email us at [email protected].

How will the applications be assessed?

We will assess applications against the eligibility and merit criteria outlined in section 4 of the grant guidelines. All applications will be assessed on a competitive basis against the merit criteria within their respective tiers.

Will I be contacted during the assessment?

If you do not provide the specified information in the required format, we may seek supplementary information or clarification from you. You will have 5 business days to respond. No changes to the application will be allowed and the clarifications will be requested for the information already submitted.

Can I get any help with my application?

Instructions on how to use and move through the application form are available on the SmartyGrants platform. However, if you have questions about the grant guidelines, application timelines, or the form, please email [email protected] and quote your submission number.

How do I know what my application submission number is?

When you create your application, you will receive an email with your submission number that looks like CHEP000XX-APP.

How do I know if my application has been successful?

All successful CHPs will be notified within 4-6 weeks of grant closure.

If my application is unsuccessful, can I seek feedback?

Yes. If you are unsuccessful, we will advise you in writing with details on how to seek feedback on your application.


How much funding is available and what is the maximum amount I can apply for?

We will determine the final funding amount to be provided to successful CHPs after assessing all applications. More information on minimum and maximum grant funding amounts available can be found in the grant guidelines.

At what stage will my application need to demonstrate that co-contribution funding is available?

Evidence of co-contribution should be submitted with the application. This may include letters from funding bodies or your own funds or other such documents. We will not enter into a funding agreement unless you have confirmed co-contribution funding.

Privacy and confidentiality

My application will include personal information. How do you manage this information?

The department has legal obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) in relation to the collection, storage, access, use and disclosure of personal information. If collecting your personal information, we will provide you with a privacy statement at the time of collection that details how this information will be managed in accordance with privacy law.