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NSW Climate Change Fund Annual Reports

Climate Change Fund Annual Report

The Minister for Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Heritage reports annually to the NSW Parliament on achievements under the Climate Change Fund. The Climate Change Fund is one way the NSW Government is working to minimise and mitigate the effects of climate change. 

The Climate Change Fund Annual Report demonstrates the impact of the fund and shares inspiring stories of action. 

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water prepares the annual report each year according to requirements of section 34H of the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987. Activities under the fund are reported for each financial year of operation.

The annual reports provide information on fund allocations and anticipated benefits, with reference to the fund’s long-term outcomes.

Climate Change Fund 2023-24 highlights

The 2023-24 annual report covers the second year of the 8-year funding period (2022-2030). 

These programs will help us decarbonise our economy, transition to a renewable energy system and support communities and businesses to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate.

The Climate Change Fund has invested over: 

2 million

dollars to take action on climate change

2 million

dollars to ensure households, businesses and communities benefit from clean energy

2 million

dollars to increase community resilience and safeguard our communities from the effects of climate change

2 million

dollars to provide energy bill relief through energy efficiency programs

The achievements in 2023-24 spotlight just some of the ways the Climate Change Fund has supported communities, businesses, NSW government agencies and the environment. 


In 2023-24, through the Climate Change Fund we:


provided over 1,000 social houses with more than 1,500 energy upgrades


completed 2 solar farm projects to power 2,300 homes, reducing emissions by about 10,500 t a year


helped provide about 3 kw of solar panels for 170 plot owners in the first NSW community solar garden


enhanced shade and green spaces with the help of 4,441 students who participated in tree planting


reduced emissions by 5,862 t through the Vehicle Emissions Offset Scheme


conducted 3,000 electric vehicle test drives

Business and industry

In 2023-24, through the CCF, we:


welcomed another 56 buildings to be certified by NABERS


held 88 On-Farm CarbonAdvice events for over 4,200 farmers


delivered 16 farm carbon management plans, with participants reporting increased knowledge


engaged with over 200 clean tech start-ups for networking, business model mentoring, and insights on positioning for success


In 2023-24, through the CCF, we: 


generated 101,200 MWh of solar power from NSW government buildings


added 3 MWh of battery storage to NSW public buildings


saved 86,000 MWh through school lighting upgrades


awarded $12.5 million to fund a 50 MW/2 hour New England Battery Energy system


had 458,219 visits to AdaptNSW website, providing access to information, advice and decision tools on how to adapt and prepare for climate change


helped 60 regional councils with flood risk workshops to integrate flood risk management planning into council processes

Environment and Biodiversity

In 2023-24, through the CCF, we: 


planted 155,711 trees in Greater Sydney to help keep suburbs cooler


conserved 24,250 ha of additional land for biodiversity to increase the resilience of ecosystems to the impacts of climate change


completed 33,687 ha of hazard reduction in high risk areas, reducing the impacts of more intense bushfires due to climate change

Pictogram representing biodiversity

removed 50,000 feral animals from national parks, building healthier, more resilient landscapes


added 40,000 ha to national parks, enhancing species migration under climate change and protecting diverse ecosystems


conducted 10 cultural burns, reducing wildfire risk, restoring ecosystems, and strengthening cultural connections

Read the NSW Climate Change Fund highlights for 2023-24

Kids riding bike

Read the full NSW Climate Change Annual Report 2023-24

Older lady planting trees