Managing carbon is both a challenge and an enormous opportunity for land managers.
We are offering $10 million in round 1 of the High impact partnerships grants to assist eligible organisations to deliver abatement projects. In this round we are looking to invest in projects which do one or more of the following:
- deliver abatement at scale
- deliver co-benefits alongside carbon abatement
- use innovative delivery to maximise benefits to land managers.
Successful High Impact Partnership projects announced
The NSW Government has awarded $6.8 million to 6 project partners in our State’s primary industries and land sector, to deliver carbon abatement. They are:
- 24 Degree Forest
- Wilmot Cattle Company
- Regen Farmers Mutual
- Greening Australia
- World Wide Fund for Nature Australia
- NSW Department of Primary Industries.
The successful projects will register carbon abatement activities using one of the following Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme methods:
- Reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings FullCAM
- Estimation of soil organic carbon sequestration using measurement and models
- Tidal restoration of carbon blue ecosystems method (coastal wetlands)
These projects will support landholders to store carbon in soils, vegetation and blue carbon ecosystems.
About the grants
We are investing $10 million through these grants to partner with organisations that are active in the land sector and share our commitment to action on climate change.
The grants will support emissions reduction in agriculture or sequestration in soils or vegetation, with an emphasis on immediate implementation.
As a condition of funding, projects will need to share information and help build capacity within the sector. This will help other organisations understand the potential benefits, risks, and costs of getting involved in carbon projects.
Successful projects will receive between $500,000 and $2 million, which must be matched by the project partners. These projects will drive abatement at scale, deliver benefits in addition to carbon and use innovative delivery to create more value for land managers. Examples of other benefits include environmental, social, Aboriginal cultural outcomes and productivity co-benefits.
Grant funded activities must result in carbon projects being registered under the national Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). In Round 1 grants will be offered for the following methods only:
- reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings
- estimation of soil organic carbon sequestration using measurement and models
- beef cattle herd management
- tidal restoration of blue carbon ecosystems.
For further information, read:
Future grant funding opportunities
There will be future grant opportunities to support abatement projects, including smaller competitive grants scheduled to be launched later in 2024. If you would like to receive email updates about these opportunities, complete the form below.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please email us at