A NSW Government website

How hosting an EV charger can benefit your business

As more and more electric vehicles (EVs) hit the road, businesses in regional NSW are well-positioned to attract more customers and stand out from the competition by providing convenient charging options. Installing an EV charger in your car park is a great way to grow your business, improve customer experience, and enhance your community presence.

Register your interest to host an EV charger

Attract more visitors

Cafés, wineries, motels, caravan parks, visitor attractions, supermarkets and pubs in regional communities are ideal locations for EV charging. EV drivers plan their trips around charging stops, using them as opportunities to rest, eat, or explore the area. Offering EV charging will make your business a key stop for these drivers, drawing visitors who might not have discovered your business otherwise.

Increase your sales by encouraging customers to stay longer

While vehicles are charging, visitors will have time to explore what your business has to offer. Whether it’s enjoying a meal at your café, buying local products, or relaxing at a visitor attraction, EV drivers typically stay longer and spend money on local services while they wait. This gives your business the opportunity to engage with new customers, build connections and increase sales.

Boost visibility and build reputation

Hosting an EV charger also increases your visibility to new audiences. EV drivers often go out of their way to find a good place to charge along their journey. EV charging locations are often listed on Google Maps and searches, tourism and navigation apps. These listings and promotions will put your business on the radar of EV drivers and tourists travelling near your area with little effort required from you.  

Add value and support a sustainable future

EVs are a lower-emissions vehicle choice. By becoming part of the EV charging network, your business can help lead the push towards sustainability. Hosting a charger demonstrates a commitment to supporting green initiatives, adding value to your site while helping meet growing customer expectations around environmental responsibility. Travellers are increasingly seeking out businesses who demonstrate sustainable practices. Providing EV charging can help your business be recognised for your sustainability and eco-tourism efforts.

Minimal effort, maximum benefit

By partnering with an EV charging company (also known as a Charge Point Operator, or CPO), the installation, operation and cost of the charger can be managed for you so you can focus on running your business. CPOs handle EV charger installation, maintenance, and various operating costs, meaning all you need to do is provide the parking space and access. This allows you to offer a valuable service to your customers with minimal disruption to your operations. You may even be able to charge a fee to the CPO to host the charger(s) at your site.  

Take the next step

Councils, businesses, and community hubs can benefit greatly by providing EV charging. If you have a car park and a strong customer focus, now is the time to become an EV charger site host. Register your interest on our website today.

How will my information be used?

As new NSW government funding programs are announced, credible EV charging companies will be provided access to the list of businesses who have registered their interest in EV charging. If your site is suitable, they may contact you to gauge your interest, assess your site and explain their process. If appropriate to proceed, they can manage the entire process, helping your business enjoy the economic benefits of EV charging with minimal disruption.