Key information
- Applications are open now
- Applications close 5 pm 1 December 2025 or earlier if the funds are fully allocated
You can apply for the Solar for apartment residents grant to fund 50% of the cost of a shared solar photovoltaic (PV) system on eligible apartment buildings and other multi-unit dwellings in NSW. This will help residents, including renters, to reduce their energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions.
Less than 2% of apartment buildings in NSW currently have solar systems installed. As energy costs climb and the number of people living in apartments continue to increase, innovative solutions are needed to allow apartment owners and renters to benefit from solar energy.
A total of $25 million in grant funding is available, with up to $150,000 per project.
Financial support for this grant is from the Australian Government and the NSW Government.
Benefits of solar energy
The benefits of a shared solar system include:

- generating clean and renewable energy
- enjoying payback for the investment in under 10 years
- requiring minimal maintenance
- adding value to properties.

- saving money on your household electricity bills
- reducing your household’s greenhouse gas emissions
- protecting yourself against future electricity cost increases
- making your home more comfortable in summer and winter.
Who can apply
Only owners corporations or strata managers can apply for the grant.
To be eligible to apply for the grant you must be either:
- a residential owners corporation responsible for the management of a strata scheme under the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015
- a strata managing agent as outlined in the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, if authorised to do so by the owners corporation.
Individual apartment residents are not able to apply for the grant. Apartment residents should share this page with their owners corporation or strata manager and encourage them to apply.
What buildings are eligible
Grants can only be used for buildings that:
- are apartment buildings or multi-unit residential dwellings
- are a completed development at the time of application
- have not had a solar PV system installed in the last 10 years
- are located in NSW
- are registered under the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015
- have an active strata insurance policy.
Full eligibility criteria can be found in the guidelines.
How to apply
Before you apply, read the:
- guidelines (PDF, 4.47 MB)
- frequently asked questions.
Applications are open now and will close 5 pm 1 December 2025 or earlier if the funds are fully allocated.
For further information, email us at [email protected].
More information
To be more energy efficient, learn how to understand your energy bill and take these free and easy steps to save energy at home.