A NSW Government website

Service and Installation Rules

Service and Installation Rules

The Service and Installation Rules (Rules) for New South Wales cover the requirements for the connection of electrical installations to the distribution network. The Rules are used by electricians and Accredited Service Providers (ASPs).

Dispensation for EVCI installed on network assets

The Service and Installation Rules Management Committee has approved a dispensation for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI) on electricity distribution assets. For details see EVCI Dispensation

The Service and Installation Rules for NSW Working Group (made up of industry stakeholders) has reviewed the Rules to include a new requirement for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) installers to submit data to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s DER Register from 1 December 2019. The publication of the updated Rules in October 2019 is in addition to an annexure that relates to metering specific rules (July 2018).

October 2019 Rules

November 2018 Rules

July 2018 Rules

November 2016 Rules

Please refer queries about the Rules or their interpretation to [email protected].

All enquiries about metering, metering equipment or the installation beyond the meter should be referred to [email protected]