Electricity Industry Safety Steering Committee Guidelines
- ISSC 3 Guide for the management of vegetation in the vicinity of electricity assets – November 2016
- ISSC 14 Guide to electrical workers' safety equipment – October 2010 **CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW**
- ISSC 20 Guide for the management of activities within electricity easements and close to electricity infrastructure – September 2012
- ISSC 28 Guide for enclosed spaces in NSW electricity networks – March 2013
- ISSC 29 Guide for pre-climbing and climbing assessment of poles – May 2013 **CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW**
- ISSC 31 Guideline for management of private overhead lines – September 2019
- ISSC 32 Guide for network operators to provide information to the construction industry for working near overhead power lines
- ISSC 33 Guide for network configuration during total fire ban days – September 2024
- ISSC 34 Guide for height safety within the NSW electricity industry – June 2013 **CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW**
- ISSC 35 Guide to safe work area taping in outdoor switchyards – September 2012
- ISSC 37 Guide for working on near or in the vicinity of the apparatus of another network operator – December 2021
- ISSC 38 Guide for testing of connections to low voltage electricity networks – July 2021
- ISSC 39 Guide for the training of personnel working on or near electricity networks *NEW GUIDE COMING SOON*
- ISSC 40 Guide for managing the risk of inadvertent network energisation from customer energy resources *NEW GUIDE COMING SOON*
For any enquiries regarding the ISSC guides please contact us at [email protected].
Electrical Industry Safety Steering Committee Alerts
A full list of ISSC Safety Alerts are available on our website.
Constructing near overhead power lines
Representatives from NSW Network Operators, SafeWork NSW and the former Department of Water and Energy came together to prepare:
- The Guide for Network Operators to Provide Information to the Construction Industry for Working Near Overhead Power Lines.
This Guide provides practical information that:
- protects the health and safety of persons working near overhead electricity mains.
- addresses the installation and use of cable covers when construction work is being carried out near overhead street mains.
- relates to cranes and scaffolding on construction sites.
Please note: The Guide does not cover the use of cable covers on Communications Networks. Principal Contractors should contact Communications Network Operators regarding their respective minimum safety requirements.
Additional information
ISSC 32 has been endorsed by the Industry Safety Steering Committee (ISSC) for use by the electricity network operators to provide guidance on the provision of information to the construction industry on working near overhead powerlines.
Protecting underground energy assets
In NSW, network operators need to be members of the Before You Dig service. This free national service holds and provides information about the location and type of underground assets, including gas pipes and electricity cables.
Using Before You Dig is mandatory before carrying out certain types of excavation work. These requirements are set out in changes to the Electricity and Gas Supply Acts and Regulations. Fines and penalties may apply if people are found in breach of these rules.
For more information, click on the links below.
- Part 5E of the Electricity Supply Act 1995
- Part 4 of the Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014
- Part 4A of the Gas Supply Act 1996
- Part 5 of the Gas Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2013
Visit the Before You Dig website to find out more or to access the service.
Crossings of NSW navigable waters
The Boaters' guide to electricity cable crossings of NSW navigable waters covers the installation and maintenance of overhead and submarine cables which cross navigable waters. These cables can be hazardous to vessels resulting in damage and serious injury.
If a vessel comes in contact with submarine cables, it can also damage the electricity infrastructure which could affect supply, the environment and create legal and financial liabilities.
NSW Maritime, as delegate of the Minister for Ports and Waterways, is responsible for the safe navigation of both recreational and commercial vessels in NSW (S.24, Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995).
The Code promotes crossing safety. It has been developed in conjunction with NSW Maritime, the former Department of Water and Energy, Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, RailCorp and TransGrid.
Network operators are required to take the Code into account when they develop their Network Management Plans.
Read the Boaters' guide to electricity cable crossings of NSW navigable waters.